June 2024 Natural Ability and Utility Test Handlers

From Left to Right: Mathew Janssen (Russel), Kylie Metz (Nellie), Anne Zeches (Judge), Adalynn Vinje (Bucky) Bob Hauser (Senior Judge), John Huber (Odin), Doug Spencer (Buddy Boy), Brad Wagner (Tuco), John Venturino (Luca), Jared Seivert (Russel), and Jacob Zeuske (Judge).

To uphold the tradition of bird hunting and dog training, NAVHDA International offers a comprehensive Youth Program. This program includes an Aims & Rules Clinic, a Youth Testing Incentive Program that provides partial reimbursement for testing fees, and a Youth Event Program. The Wisconsin River Chapter takes immense pride in our youth handlers and look forward to supporting future generations in their endeavors.

Youth Handlers

NAVHDA Natural Ability Test Overview

Important Testing Information

Thinking about testing your dog?

  • Natural Ability: $103 members / $128 non-members

  • Utility Preparatory: $143 members / $168 non-members

  • Utility: $143 members / $168 non-members

Current Test Fees

About NAVHDA Testing

We encourage every versatile gun dog to be NAVHDA tested, as the test tells you where your dog's abilities are at and serves as the foundation for improving our versatile breeds. The tests are qualitative evaluations to proven performance standards in simulated hunting conditions.

In testing, dogs are judged one at a time by three judges, with their performance scored against a standard. The exception to this is the Invitational Test in which dogs are braced in the field so each dog can demonstrate his willingness to back and work effectively with another dog. Prizes are based on numerical scores achieved in the test. The dog must meet or exceed a minimum standard in all areas of work to receive a prize. There are three categories of prizes: I, II and III, with Prize I being the highest classification.

Natural Ability (NA) testing evaluates the dog's natural abilities before 16 months of age. This gives you a vision of what your versatile gun dog can become.

Utility Preparatory Testing (UPT), an intermediate test, evaluates the dog's progression towards a finished utility gun dog. This lets you know if your training is on target towards a finished pointing gun dog.

Utility Testing (UT) evaluates a dog's finished hunting skills and abilities. At the time of the test, it tells you how good your dog is at hunting, pointing and retrieving sporting game.

Invitational testing, the flagship of NAVHDA testing, calls for a supreme versatile performance to become recognized as a "Versatile Champion".

We encourage our breeders to use the testing data for breeding programs which promotes the philosophy of "breeding the best to the best." This helps assure that the versatile gundogs of tomorrow will be better than todays.

More information About the NAVHDA Testing System are available from NAVHDA International