Chapter of the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association
Established in 1998, Wisconsin River NAVHDA is a chapter of the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association. We train our dogs to develop good handling skills in our members; produce happy, well-mannered hunting companions; and ultimately improve the versatile breeds by evaluating these goals through field testing.
We take pride in the friendly, cooperative spirit of our chapter. All are welcome and encouraged to pursue training at a fun and comfortable level. Our membership is a mix of novice and experienced handlers who will challenge you along the way.
What we offer
As a member of the Wisconsin River Chapter (WRC), you will find new friends dedicated to helping you train your dog to be a skilled pointer, tracker, and retriever. We hold monthly training days throughout the spring and summer at the Mazomanie Unit of the Lower Wisconsin Riverway: Class One Field Trial Grounds and Dog Training Area.
In addition to monthly training days, member benefits include:
E-collar and equipment training
Handler clinics
Professional dog training seminars
Spring and fall field tests
Veterinary health advice
Our members meet often outside of scheduled training days to work with their dogs in collaborative groups. Many of our members hunt together after the training season ends.
This is the group for me! How do I join?
You are welcome to participate in a training day as a guest before submitting your membership. Contact a member of our Leadership Team to let us know you’re coming to check us out!
When you’d like to join, follow these steps:
Fill out the Wisconsin River Chapter Membership Form and send it with payment to our Treasurer (contact information listed on form).
Become a member of NAVHDA International (required for chapter insurance purposes).
When we receive your membership, we will confirm via email. You will be added to our email list, which is our primary method of communication.
Apply for a Bird Dog Training License through the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Reapplication is required once every three years. We can help you fill out the form.
This is an independent web site maintained by the Wisconsin River Chapter of NAVHDA (WRC NAVHDA). The Wisconsin River Chapter does not and is not authorized to speak or act on behalf of the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association, Inc. The accuracy of any statements or information posted on or derived from the use of this web site is not verified, and may not reasonably be relied on.